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The Spanish Bank of Algae is committed to its own research and technology (development and innovation) program, attending to the following priority strategic lines:

Maintenance of Biodiversity of microalgae and cyanobacteria.

Polyphasic identification of the isolated strains.

Technological development for the production, identification, and characterization of bioactive compounds of microalgae and cyanobacteria.

Characterization, biotechnological and biochemical valorisation of biomass, and production of extracts from the strains in the collection aimed at the following thematic lines:

a. Agricultural biostimulants and biopesticides.
b. Bioremediation, biodiversity, and environment.
c. Bioactive substances (antibiotics, antivirals, antitumor, antifungals).
d. Industrial applications of algal pigments.
e. Algae and functional metabolites for Food / Nutrition / Health.
f. Metabolites for the cosmetic industry.
g. Algae for animal consumption and aquaculture.



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icon+34 928 133 290

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